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Awesome teaser! Great experience for such a short time, well done!


Thanks for making it!


Playing your game was so atmospheric, and i can really feel that immersion when I'm playing it.  Great work DEV :). and check out my gameplay here.




What a beautiful recreation of an amazing horror movie! Truly loved this and would love to see more scenes added! The Thing was my favorite horror movie and I absolutely loved this! 

I'm working on a game based on the old version. The original movie. So keep up following my works. Soon I will publish the game



can't wait until the full game releases 

No plans for a full game about the 1982 movie


This was so good! I loved the experience! It makes me want to watch the actual movie now! 


This was absolutely a fantastic piece of work! Really set me on edge and the way the dogs turned all weird! Jesus.

Here is my play through! I hope you all enjoy!


Ahah thanks


Really nice work, the dog monster looks spot-on! Shame you didn't do the burn in with blue fog for the title tho, it's so iconic and you have volumetric fog there. Also you might want to disable all the VR plugins if this is not going to be a VR title. UE4 has them enabled by default on new projects and it causes Steam VR to try and launch the game in VR.


No VR for now. Thanks by the way


Really good game, also a fan of the movie. It'll be nice to enjoy the full version!


Nice to hear It. But no plans for a future full game about the  1982 of the movie. I'm working on a game based on the old version. To easy to do and more beautiful to play I think. So keep up to follow me and my works. Thanks


Wow, what a teaser! It looked just like the film! It had the same intensity, great job! Is there more to come, I hope so! I made a vid for my YT channel, please take a look.




i love this movie


I enjoyed the atmosphere of the game, but I was so confused when the thing showed up 


Really enjoyed this. Nice creepy atmosphere.


As a starving The Thing fan I simply had to try this. Takes about 5 minutes to finish and that's only because of the incredibly slow movement speed.
I also wish there was an option to disable head bobbing and the black bars, but I understand they are there for the "cinematic" experience. I'd still want them disabled.

The fleshlight was pretty much useless too.

Will come back if more gets released. If anyone knows more The Thing inspired fan games, please do let me know in the replies.


The atmosphere produced was amazing. Everything from the sounds to the head bobbing is awesome. Only a minor thing to note is that some of the text is anchored awkwardly making it appear slightly into the game and out at times. Other than that, very thrilling for a teaser.




I didn't know this game was a teaser until I got to the end. But I thought the game looked and sounded nice. The character walks extremely slow and it was a little annoying also at the end I couldn't see what was happening since it was too dark. Not sure if there was a monster I could see or not. But I was for sure looking for one.


Nice thanks


Damn I really wanted to play this!!! It just shows up as a video vile error when I download it, am I doing something wrong?


So strange.


Game not launch on Win 10 64bit - Help?


for some reason the game won't open for me, any help?


me too


me three



No-commentary playthrough:

Looks amazing! Great work!



I'm lovin the idea of this bein a game, bravo on you for bringin it to life!! Please tell me you are workin on the next installment or a full version OR SOMETHIN because I NEEEEED MOREE!!! Very well made and game was absolutely terrifying. You've most certainly earned my follow, I'll be watchin carefully to see if you drop any more projects

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive



I'm absolutely in love with this PT. The graphics are beautiful and very vibrant, they look exactly from the movie which is INSANE! I really hope more "scenes" from the movie eventually get made, since for me it's a nostalgia trip. Thank you for making this! ❤

Please, check out my video to see the full gameplay, and of me getting spooked with funny moments in between. Thank you in advance ❤️ stay safe and be responsible. 



I cant wait for the next installment of the thing thankyou for making This

Next installment Will come soon

I REALLY want to see more of this. This looks so damn good! Thank you for making this demo, my friend.


You can see more soon . I'm working on and old version of the movie. Based on the original movie

I may have been a little too harsh in the video. Perhaps it's because I'm a huge fan of the movie, and I wanted more out of this experience. I'll admit that aesthetically the game really was accurate to the scene in the movie. Fair warning to fellow content creators: This game has copyrighted music.


Yes I know but this demo Is only a demo.. a test.. so I don't expect nothing special from players. So thanks but don't worry... My idea Is only a test and a test will remains. No plans to do games about the Thing. Or specially on a masterpiece like the 82' movie. Too much for me. 

as a admirer of the movies i really enjoyed this! the visuals were brilliant atmosphere was on point, only thing i would say is limited movement was abit of a pain other than that great (oh and the end of the game were you played official the thing music got a copyright but easily sorted) gameplay above hope you guys enjoy 

Yes I know the music. But It ok It Is only a test. So I Will remove this PT soon

honestly not a issue the only reason i bring it up is because im a youtuber, but i liked it made it nostalgic being the original music just shows the effort you put in really and that you seem to be a lover of the films which i respect 

for someone thats never seen the movie (i know i know..) this game has peaked my interest! I cant wait for the full thing! dont give up on it! where can we keep up to date?

THanks. No plans to do a full game on the 82s movie. Maybe on the old originale movie yes.

Your recreation of this scene from the movie is PERFECT! I hope to see more scenes soon!


The game doesn't open on windows 11. Halloween doesn't open either. Help me!

I played It on 11

Amazing game mhnn, wished if the demo was little longer more than 5 mins also I got a copyright claim at the end background music.

I made a gameplay

I know for the copyright yes. But this Is only a demo so no plans to go on in future

This was really creepy cant wait to see full game

Interesting atmosphere. Though I spoiled the movie for myself. XD

Here's my channel for other games I have played.


love it thank you so much 

Love you too

Incredible Playable Teaser! As a big fan of John Carpenter I must say that you have done an amazing job recreating the atmosphere. I love your games! Greetings from Argentina!


What a great vacation.


Really cool game. The Thing is my all time favorite horror movie the atmosphere is very good  feels just like the movie. I would love to see a full game where you play as MacReady.



this is a very scary game with a p.t vibe well done to the creator

Thenk you for you feed bro

ottimo ;D vibes 80s ci sono



l'idea del gioco e' bella, ma e' troppo scuro il gioco, non fa neanche paura perche' non si vedeva niente dentro al recinto dei cani..., non ci ho capito niente...

Cerca di renderlo piu' luminoso per favore, perche' rovina l'atmosfera.

E il movimento della visuale del gioco e' un'altra cosa da migliorare perche' giri la visuale e "scivola" anche dopo aver girato, se capisci cosa intendo.

E non e' tanto bella, sarebbe stato piu' bello e comodo un movimento normale, il classico movimento in cui la visuale gira esattamente quanto muovo il mouse.

Comunque non vedo l'ora di giocare la versione completa. :)

L effetto che la torcia gira prima è per rendere più realistico. Se guardi agli ultimi giochi bodycam usciti son tutti così. Volevo ricreare qualcosa di simile. A me il gioco è fin troppo chiaro.. in ogni caso serve a creare tensione non vedendo niente e non capendo nulla ti soffermi di più sulla scena. Magari hai qualche iimpostazioneche rende scuro lo schermo non so. Ma in ogni caso grazie del feed. Ne tengo conto se poi ci rimetto mano. Non ho idea per un gioco completo era solo una demo così a caso.. avevo voglia di fare qualcosa su The Thing visto che non esistono giochi al di fuori di quello del 2002. E se mai metto mano al progetto lo realizzo in bianco e nero prendendo idea dal film originale. E lo faccio in terza persona. È un idea che ho sempre avuto da quando facevo short games basati sui vecchi films... Ma purtroppo fu un peogetto iniziato e mai finito per problemi tecnici..

PS. Sei entrato nella gabbia o sei rimasto fuori? Da fuori non vedi niente o vedi poco perché la torcia perde potenza.


il gioco e' buio, e non si capisce cosa succede, poi non puoi basarti sul fatto che le persone sappiano cambiare le impostazioni dei monitor, neanche io lo so, e non penso sia scuro per quello, ma proprio per il gioco, altri giochi vanno benissimo, ma il tuo no perche' e' troppo scuro, e lo dico proprio per migliorare il fare i giochi, e' un suggerimento che ti do.

Poi sincero, non e' che se molti giochi hanno quel movimento li' vuol dire che sia bello solo perche' c'e su molti giochi, perche' non lo e', da' sinceramente un po' fastidio...

Preferisco i giochi in cui il movimento e' basato su quanto muovo il mouse, non voglio ne che giri di piu' e neanche che sia troppo lento, deve essere nella media, e se fai un movimento che gira di piu' "scivolando", da' un po' di fastidio, e lo dice uno che ha giocato piu' di 400 giochi horror, e giochi in generale, quindi so abbastanza come dovrebbe essere un movimento.

Con questo, ti auguro di riuscire a creare giochi bellissimi, segui i miei consigli, non te ne pentirai, tutto quello che ti ho detto, come ho gia' detto prima, l'ho detto per aiutarti con il fare giochi sempre piu' belli ovviamente. :)

ok grazie. Ma per ora sei l'unico che mi ha fatto notare sta cosa. Io non posso modificare qualcosa solo perché me lo dice una persona. Io mi son sempre basato su tante informazioni raccolte. Se altri si lamenteranno allora provvederò. Cmq questo PT si chiama così perché è un teaser e da tale è un test. Quindi non mi aspettavo nulla di positivo o negativo. Tanto nasceva e moriva qui. Sinceramente io adoro le visuali come dici tu rallentare e anche la maggior parte dei giocatori da quel che so. Quindi diciamo che per ora rimarrà così tanto non ho in piano di proseguire negli sviluppi e se mai un giorno deciderò di prendere in mano il progetto ancora farò qualcosa di diverso o in terza persona. Grazie cmq di questo feed. Ci fossero più persone che si sentono di far notare certe cose come te e soprattutto per titoli AAA ci sarebbero meno giocatori infelici me compreso. Detto e ripetuto al giorno d'oggi è difficile trovare qualcosa di innovativo purtroppo. Questo è perché gli sviluppatori non ascoltano e pur di fare soldi si mettono sugli standard videoludici pietosi di questa era... Una dura realtà. Ma grazie!


ma lo sai benissimo il motivo per cui nessuno non critica niente, in generale le persone hanno perso lo spirito di critica ormai da anni, nessuno non critica piu' niente, si fanno piacere anche le cose peggiori, anche la m*rda, poveri noi con che persone siamo finiti a convivere...

e se dai la tua opinione poi loro si arrabbiano pure!

solo per aver criticato un gioco, ceh, robe da matti, c'e bisogno di piu' critica, perche' serve per rendere i giochi migliori come ho detto, e spero tornera' come un tempo.


prego comunque!

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