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This was a fun game! Loved the cut scenes and the atmosphere of the level! Can't wait to play chapter 2! 


great game nice atmosphere 


This demo is insane. I would easily pay 30 bucks for a finer tuned and full game expanding on this universe.


for some reason it will not start on my pc


This was an awesome game my friend!! Keep making these, you could just add weapons to find and make a great survival wave shooter! I saw you made a second Ill play that too! Really great job, fun game, great graphics and I appreciate the cinematics and cutscenes just makes it feel complete! I recommend completely!!
Here is my gameplay video! Sub and help me grow my channel!

Part 2 OUT NOW, If you enjoy the vid, pls subscribe, I'm trying to grow my channel!

& Stefano, I hope you're working on Deathtroopers 3, THE FANS NEED IT!!!

Deleted 330 days ago

hello jaso


As a star wars fan I like this game! I'm curious to see where else the story takes this!!

Part 1 of what I hope to be a good series of horror games. Part 2 is being edited right now, subscribe & watch out for it!! 👊🏽


Dead Space vs Star Wars?


Pretty sure its illegal to take payment for this. highly doubt its a valid SW licence.


Sure, otherwise will start also with the "LucasFilm" 

Good game but couldn't finish

so scary to me :c


why wont it run on my p




WE OUT HERE CATCHING ZOMBIE BODIES, Great game so fun can’t wait for more 
(2 edits) (+1)

Its very laggy and it has sometimes bad graphics and also its a very very small game, and why i must pay 2euro more to play the part2, it shoud be 2euro all parts 


AMAZING HORROR CINEMATIC ! i need more, definitely a must play, do you have a sequel?

is it possible to bring this game to steam?


Very creepy! Love how you do horror cinematics! 


BUGGY but it was interesting 


I just want to buy a game but I don't have a Pay Pal account & I don't want to make one just to buy this game. Please help me!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

The funny part is that this actually happened in the Star Wars universe (the part from the zombie stormtroopers)


There was great improvement from the first to the second. Can’t wait to see where it goes from here. 


pretty wild!


Is It Good?


how do i download it and play i tried to zip it


Una guerra de las galaxias con zombis




this was fire!


The cut scenes were well done, the gameplay looked good but was a lil buggy. I enjoyed it, but wish there was a little more to it.


7-zip works for me


Worked perfectly for me other than enemies getting caught on closing doors. Try using 7-zip to extract it. That's how I was able to extract it.


That worked, thank you.


Tis Grande! I'm glad I was able to help out!


Broken for me too.


The gun isn't working for me. Is it bugged

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