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Make full game


Jogo de tiro não é o seu forte Stefano!

Caralho um BR


salve amigo, grande fã do Stefano Cagnani


Anyone else getting an error when trying to extract the files? I keep getting 'Error 0x8096002A: No error description available'. It does this on all of the files.

(1 edit) (+2)



How can I fix it ?

I'd love to know too. Dev, are you still around? It'd be nice to get a response to this, especially after you've gotten so much attention on this game.

Ho provato a giocare su un PC GTX1050/i5/8GB e non ha funzionato bene, dopo essere morto più volte ho finito per arrendermi.

Hi Thx a lot for this game !! I made a video (FR) on my little YT channel :)


NEXT DEATHTROOPER game is coming!




ah cool !! :D


Cagnani is one of the most cinematic game developers out there.


This needs to be a full Length game with multiple maps Love the Idea!


muy bueno pero no entiendo por que este desarrollador siempre juegos tan cortos y nunca terminada nada...

is there a timeline for updates for this game i love the idea and want to see more. it has so much potential to be so much more than it is right now.


Very coo

how do i actually download and play



Every time I try to play this it activates my Valve Index VR headset and only shows the upper left corner of the screen, all audio comes through my VR headset.
I'd like to play the game but with all these problems I can't.

(1 edit) (+1)

I ADORED IT! I just love the idea in general. Literally started reading the novel a while ago, but been too busy to continue it, I will get back to it though lol I loved this demo so much I streamed it on Twitch and played it 3-4 times literally just fangirling lol Just like I previous comment down below, if you need any help with Voice Acting, I volunteer as Tribute with 2 other friends <3 I can't wait for this to come out! I will literally Pre-Order, get all DLCs anything and everything! I also got 3 more people to check it out too xD all the love!

(1 edit) (+1)

I tried playing on my steam deck in desktop mode since there doesn't seem to be any controller support. Using Proton Experimental I was able to launch the game and play, but I only got around 10-15 FPS at best. Very cool idea and I wish I could play it at a more consistent level of performance. If you ever feel like expanding on it I hope you add an options menu to allow lower end users to tweak the settings and also controller support.  My only other minor nitpicks is mostly what everyone else is saying, change the blaster color, take out zombie Vader and add some more variety. Otherwise this's a great idea and a cool project!


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one! What an incredible game! I hope to see more game content in the future! 

ZOMBIE STORMTROOPERS?! I Have a Bad Feeling About This! | Star Wars Deathtroopers HORROR Gameplay |


it is fun but i dont like how toe blaster bolts are purple and not red but it is still very fun

(1 edit) (+1)

Loved every second while playing this although are you planning to add more content to the game at a later date?


I thoroughly enjoyed this! The concept and execution were both fantastic. I would certainly engage in a full-fledged story game with a similar premise...

тот случай когда инди игра лучше всей трилогии диснея.

thank you very much for such a cool and scary project based on a little-known novel


I absolutely LOVED this! Such a great idea as well as execution! I would definitely play a full story game like this! 

(3 edits) (+2)


Change the character skin to a TIE Pilot. It's the black suited troopers you see get into TIE fighters most of the time.

Vader should not be a thing here unless he's here to exterminate the rest of the deathtroopers. There is a comic where someone actually tried to infect him with a mind control virus and it failed miserably. The likelihood of him being infected by this is minimal. It would be better if it was "Survive until reinforcements arrive."

With that being said, I think at least three other troopers should accompany ours. That being the case, you should change the ship from a TIE Interceptor to a Sentinel Class Landing Craft that was widely used by the Empire. Have a black suited pilot trooper in the front, piloting the ship to the lower hangar bay. You and three other troopers can be in the back, waiting to get off.

I have game footage showing plenty of bugs and stuff that need to be fixed if you have some way for me to submit it to you.

Blaster bolts should be red, not reddish-pink.

Bolts do not come directly from the blaster, this makes killing deathtroopers that are adjacent to you impossible unless you gain distance.

Blaster bolts do not go to where the crosshair is located. You have to shoot at an angle.

I can also help you with the English in the dialogue if you wish.


I already loved this game! Can't wait for more!



This was awesome! I want a huge world of this now! 




Yo do you need a voice actor cause I can do it for free if you need someone to voice the trooper


I was thinking the same thing! I would HAPPILY do it for free, also got 2 other friends who would love to do it too XD


You know that's actually perfect, I think you guys would be a better option, 3 is better than 1 that way can the game dev can get more voices for extra characters when the game is finished development 


This looks like an amazing game, I just wish I could open and play the game, and yes I did download the game from your link, and I kept getting an error code and I was unable to run the game. Any tips on how to get it to work Stefano?


I downloaded, opened with Winrar, clicked Deathtroopers Directors Cut, clicked WindowsNoEditor and then the .exe file, hope this works for others, good game, lots of potential here.





Soon I will release a new demo, gameplay diffierent and revisited!



Cant wait to play it!  ❤



You awesome! Thanks!


After downloading how do i play this?

Read file to download!

How do I get into the settings of the game? It's very choppy.

No settings!

very good
I'm waiting for the release

Soon another demo!

will you continue to update this? its amazing!

Yeah, soon I will release a new demo, completely revisited!


I've downloaded it but can't get it to start. on the desktop says it's an unsupported third party...I'm dying to try it but how do you play?

its probably a malware injector and the guy that made it hasnt said anything to give me confidence its not.

I created a new folder on the desktop.  Then I opened with 7-zip.  I then picked the file and hit the blue plus sign and saved it into the desktop folder I created.  It worked and was pretty awesome.

Absolutely love the concept, cant wait to see what becomes of this

Another demo soon!


Great sofar. Here are some suggestions:

I would switch the blaster shots to be blue or red, the pink feels odd.

The storm trooper player seems to talk to himself a bit and sounds wierd.

Add a menu for settings so my pc can run it better lol.

Maybe switch/edit the models because the stormtroops had some really odd creases in their helmets on my screen.

The camera needs some help lol.

It would make the game better if you made it so the player could shoot while not aiming (for when zombies are in your face).

I would add in some zombie non stormtrooper personel.

Maybe a crouch button?

Make the flashlight on the rifle toggleable.

Overall good and I look foward to seeing more.

having issues getting it to run cant extract the files ino rder to allow the launcher to work any idea on how to fix this?


Download the game before


no shit


great demo had fun with it but I have suggestions tho for the future product

1 it would be nice to use actual Voice actors instead of AI for the stormtrooper voices. Whether its you or other devs I feel that it gives a more authentic feel

2. have ammunition/ side arm and chances to get other weaponns. I feel this would make the game a bit more challenging.

3. less lights, batteries for the flashlight on the rifle and expanding the star destroyer. Such as adding a med bay, hangar lab, the bridge etc. This would make the game 10x scarier and add that extra kick on the horror element

4. Theres a old death troopers trailer on youtube that was a fan made, if possible I feel that that would be a great cinematic intro to the game.

5. For the game intro you should use a imperial landing craft rather than the cutsom starship just for lore accuracy and also take out the zombie vader just for lore purposed

6. Making the game have a escape route and Co Op with others. 

To me this has great potential to be one of the greatest star wars fan projects aside from the Battlefront 3 one theyre trying to revive wish I knew more about coding and game design otherwise id volunteer

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