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Good stuff!

Love your games!!



Android Girl AVA VR 360°

Oh my...

Deleted post

Thanks for the feed

Good Concept but I wished it had more to offer. I would've loved more exploration and survival moments in the game. Still had a fun time with it, I hope you revisit this and make it a full game.

Android artificial intelligence revolts

I see that there is now a minimun price, whereas it used to be a free download. It is any updated content with the purchase?

Comments below clip:

Wonderful game. Wonderful concept and wonderfully executed. You [or 'You Guys'] make people think beyond what's in front of everyone: the future. It is there. There simply is no other way but to move forward, regardless whether 'we' want it or not. AI is in development, but where do want it to end? Or is this the beginning of the end? Well done. Had a great time playing this game. Kudos to all involved.

One thing I would change though: the scene where there's this guy in the interrogation room together with a standing AVA. The man has his back to AVA. What I would do is have him glance quickly over his shoulder back to  AVA [at the beginning of that scene], so we, the viewers/players get a feeling of the man's [very logical] anxiety, then turn back to face the door/wall again, and at the last moment [before it gets dark] look back at AVA one last time.. I think this will enhance the feeling of something looming, brooding, with a bad ending as a outcome.

Again, thank you for a wonderful game. Sincerely, and thoroughly enjoyed it!


I guess I made a video on it ;) I super enjoyed the pervy touch to it.

Passando per ringraziarti per il passaggio gratuito nei giochi. L '"euro" è un bastoncino in Brasile e tu hai migliorato la mia giornata. Ti auguro successo e un abbraccio amichevole!

ava sa molto anal .. non conoscevo questo tuo progetto lol

Anal ahah si be dipende se glielo insegni lo sa. Ora non lo sa ancora 🤭

infame ahhahaahah