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Good game so far. Love the atmosphere and character design. Though there are still bugs here and there that need fixing.

One bug in particular is the laser wall part. There is a book on the desk that I can interact with, which I believe that's where the password for the laser wall is. but the game won't let me interact with it.

I hope you can fix it soon. I can't continue playing because of this.

Keep up the good work!

Great work. Thank you for the game. I downloaded the game immediately when I saw the notification, and I enjoyed playing it.

You may want to fix the following:

Sometimes, the gun can't be reloaded in later levels unless you exit the area.

In the cargo area before facing the big-clawed dino, an invisible Compykeeps attacking me.

I don't know if this feature is part of the game or not, but when I press ESC, the game never pauses.

thanks again for the game!

It was an amazing experience not gonna lie, it has its little problems but they can be fixed fairly easy:

Sometimes when you run out of bullets and an enemy attacks you, you cant shoot anymore until the next cutscene.

When an Compy its following you way too close you can´t aim properly because the camera its in Regina´s back, so you can´t see nothing.

There is a entry that repeats, the 09.

Besides that, it was truly amazing see someone remake this glorious game.

Good work!

been watching this for a while . hope u get some support and make it a full remake . 

Mee too, thanks

il be sharing this project much as i can , dino crisis and alot of retro games id love so see remade like this , and your doing a superb job of it