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The game has a interesting concept, and its execution is well done for the most part. There have been large improvements over the first installment. But the game still has flaws.

There are numerous bugs that need addressing, such as invisible walls and issues with the hangar door and props lacking collision. The hanger scene should progress after the troops are killed instead of waiting on a timer.

Theres a kick ability that does nothing. I would prefer if there were less cutscenes or atleast  integrated into the gameplay, similar to Half-Life. Esc quiting the game instead of opening a pause menu.

While the game is cool, it desperately needs some polishing. The lengthy cutscenes and waiting a whole minute for the news broadcast to end to progress really ruins immersion.

Also the game is making my pc into a jet engine.


A lovely experience


This is a massive upgrade from the first. Still a lot of bugs however like not being able to shoot through doorways. Some objects having a massive invisible wall in the way not allowing you to hit enemies in clear view. and esc just breaking everything but i love this concept the storytelling is great and it kept me hooked the whole time.


I'd say a good one up from the first deathtroopers. Can't wait to see if there's more


I've just bought it and I can't unpack the files. Can someone help me ?


I can't unpack in my download folder but I can on my desk directly, test that


Nicely done!


I am amazed, you made an even BETTER game this time!? You absolutely killed this, its exactly what my dreams were for a part 2 after playing the first part yesterday! Amazing quality, really great sound effects and music and graphics! Seriously amazing making it more of an adventure and survival horror this time around, I am seriously anticipating part 3, add even more mechanics, fuck make it an RPG!! I seriously recommend!! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help me grow the channel!!

Scary Scuffed Games #280

Vorgeschlagen von: Arktaros

Prinzipiell ein Cooles Fanfiction game, nur leider auch wirklich basic. Die Meiste Arbeit liegt hier im Environmental Design und in den Cinematics, weniger im Gameplay selbst und das definitiv fein. Allerdings fände ich eine Option die Cutszenes zu skippen sehr hilfreich, da ich buchstäblich vor der letzten ausversehen das Spiel via Esc geschlossen habe und mir nochmal alles geben durfte. Es lief flüssig, sah gut aus und hatte vieles von der Stimmung in Star wars gut umgesetzt, besser hätte ich tatsächlich eine art Variation der Zombie truppler gefeiert, ähnlich wie z.B. in Deadspace oder Halo

Für ein Fan Projekt ganz nett!


Dito: 3.3/5

Chat: 2.75

Gesamt: 3.03/5


The first one, although had some issues, was an absolute BLAST to play. Let's see if the second one can live up to the hype! Also, ZOMBIE EWOKS!?!?!


Part 2 OUT NOW, If you enjoy the vid, pls subscribe, I'm trying to grow my channel!

& Stefano, I hope you're working on Deathtroopers 3, THE FANS NEED IT!!!


I am having a problem. When i double click the application for the game, I keep getting a pop up saying "DEATHR_OuterRim-Win64-Shipping.exe - Entry Point Not Found" then it says "The procedure entry point StackWalk2 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/dbgeng.dll" if anyone else had this problem and fixed it, it would be a please for your help.


I absolutely loved this entry, as did my viewers on Twitch when I streamed it. Great work building upon the first chapter. The look and style of this series is faithful to the original lore, but works in some incredible tones of horror. I will say, I was hoping to actually face the Ewoks, but I'll be patient for the next entry. :)

Also, if you ever need a voice actor, don't hesitate to reach out to me or Tipsy Triggers on Twitch or any social media app. I'd be happy to lend voice work to your projects at no charge. Keep up the great work!


Both of these chapters were fantastic! The cinematics and the atmosphere and sound were on point and zombies in starwars is such an amazing concept! There was a bit of jank here and there so the game could use a little polish and some QOL updates but overall A+! Great job looking forward to the future chapters!


Alle die fragten ob das Game auf Steam kommt:

Wahrscheinlich nicht da es sich hierbei um eine Inoffizielle Star Wars Kopie handelt.

Je mehr Erfolg das Spiel hat desto höher die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass Disney es mitbekommt. Inoffiziell= Klage


Part 1 of what I hope to be a good series of horror games. Part 2 is being edited right now, subscribe & watch out for it!! 👊🏽


can you please add a menu or make the opening cutscene skipable? trying to trouble shoot some issues with a missing dbgeng.dll file and I have to rewatch the cutscene over and over again 


also why does esc quit the entire game? is there no menu? or is there no way to adjust controls or preformance?


Hello, just bought the 2 Deathtroopers games, but in this second part i'm facing some bugs that weren't on the first: The game won't go full screen properly (Image1), sometimes moves off centre (image 2), and finally when the game actually starts, the full scene doesn't get properly rendered, there's some black bars, sometimes they change position each game launch. I finished the game but still I hope this get fixed.

Great work by te way (Y) 


Ryzen 7 5700G, 32GB-4000Mhz DDR4-RAM, 2TB-NVME_SSD, RADEON RX-6600 (Adrenaline 23.12.1)

Windows 10 PRO x64_22H2_19045.4170


is it possible to bring this game to steam?


This was fantastic! Can't wait for part 3! 

Hey Stefano, great work once again 👍, I cannot wait to see what this saga of horror games become.  I am loving every one of your games and this one is top tier, a major upgrade from the last part but still original to the lore, great work man and please take all the time you need to make your next one.  You have my full support 💚.     9/10 (few minor bugs)

Hey man! I am loving your Death Troopers games a ton. They have also been by far my best YouTube videos numbers wise in a while, AND have blown up my TikTok. Id love to connect more on socials somewhere and collab on the next game! Let me know man!

I just bought the game but it won't let me extract it?

Could I get some help with this

Same problem... when I try to extract the file it tells me it ran into a problem and cannot extract the  file

You need WinZip to extract it, the base Windows extraction tool won't work.

definitely a step up from the first one great job! 

Full Walkthrough Here.


Im a voice actor and I narrated my experience playing this game. Such an awesome concept in the Star Wars universe, and it makes for great commentary! Keep it up Dev!

The ONLY Star Wars Horror Survival Game...

I'm having a problem where the game doesn't go full screen so when I click on the game it puts me into a black screen where I cant do anything but restart my computer. Any help would be appreciated. 

This was a MASSIVE improvement on the first game and I had so much fun playing it! Keep up the phenomenal work! (Only criticism: for some reason the game doesn’t appear to open with a full screen border so I clicked out of the game several times)

A lot of Star Wars fans have suggested a horror game set on Hoth where you're fighting off giant Wampas inside the remnants of Echo Base. It would be really cool if someone was able to create it with this game engine!


Looks like a great game, but i aint setting up a paypal just for this

you're game wont extract what's the deal?

download win.rar and extract it from there

I can't play the game as it wont extract the files. Is there something that I'm missing or do I need to run a program before hand?

download win.rar and extract it from there

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