Hey man! I was trying to see if you had an email I could reach to you on! I wanted to see if you wanted any voice acting done for this game, for free ofc. This is a really cool project and I'd love the chance to work on it with ya. If there's anywhere I can talk with you about volunteering, please lmk!
It was an ok game, it had hella bugs/glitches, it was kinda anoyying getting back in an out cause of does bugs, and a good game like this should totally have a Pause Menu 100%, graphics were hella good, keep up the hard work...
And I have problems with this one... just like with the first part... Please help me, what files are needed and where should I unpack them? Apparently I’m not good at something, and maybe I don’t understand much about Unreal Engine 5...
(Here is a photo)
<img src="https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzE1OTA2MTIwLnBuZw==/original/Abxr14.png">
The problem is the same as with the first part of this game (you can look there). Here's the startup error: A D3D11-compatible GPU (Feature Level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0) is required to run the engine It seems to me that the error says about a file that is not enough for the engine (at least for me it’s like that with the first part of Deadtroopers) P.S. I can't write or speak English, translation into English from a translator. And I unpacked it using 7Zip, I think there's nothing wrong with it
I loved everything about this part! The whole open world really had me sold and yearning for more! And here I thoguht the first part was awesome, you over did it with this one! Its the second game in my video, out of the 2 parts:
Extract it into a folder and run the .exe in the folder. Alternatively you in theory can load the game while still packed by running .exe anyways. But not recommended.
i think i see what you mean, you're gonna need a application to extract the file if you don't know how. i suggest WinRar or 7-Zip, and if i saw wrong lmk
Finally played chapter 2. A little rough around the edges, just like the 1st one but I still enjoyed it for the most part. Can't wait to see where this series goes next!
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This is very cool. It will be very interesting to see what else can be done with this. Just epic.
esta version de juego esta super genial, no se que paso en la parte final pero se me bugeo la pistola
A fan game based on the book? F**K YEAH! I'm in!
Maybe you can add a menu, graphics settings, save system but it's very good game that you made
Hey man! I was trying to see if you had an email I could reach to you on! I wanted to see if you wanted any voice acting done for this game, for free ofc. This is a really cool project and I'd love the chance to work on it with ya. If there's anywhere I can talk with you about volunteering, please lmk!
I can’t wait to see more of the story
it's pretty good but make a graphic setting its to high
My dude, do you have a patreon, cause I want to support this development more
I had a blast playing this! Looking forward to part 3!
This one was even better than the first. Great horror games. cant wait for the next one
oh ok i got it. thanks! havnt played it yet, but i hope and think its gonna be good! thanks a ton, it looks amazingly impressive from the review.
Check my videos and subscribe please
i dont know how to open the program after i download it so im having some trouble in file explorer
I love how you have done this, and now a story has unfolded... Looking forward to the next chapter
Awesome! I didn't think this could get even better since the first chapter! Great work with this masterpiece.
Gran juego, enhorabuena!
Chapter 2 is much better than first one. Good job
This was a really cool experience, with such potentional to do some crazy stuff
it when from free to 2$ or 2€ what is wrong with you, you cant charge money for an ip you dont own MAKE IT FREE AGAIN!
I loved this game so much! it was like star wars meets resident evil! i really hope we get more like this
Gameplay completo del segundo capítulo de la historia de terror de Star Wars.
Hey, I keep trying to extract this game and the first one but i get an unknown error code and it wont let me play it. anyone know a solution?
Why don't you start by saying what problems do you have?. You just have to download and extract it wherever you want with Winrar, then run the game.
THIS WAS AMAZING! WE NEED MORE ASAP!! I loved everything about it...a few glitches BUT it was really fun!!
I loved everything about this part!
The whole open world really had me sold and yearning for more!
And here I thoguht the first part was awesome, you over did it with this one!
Its the second game in my video, out of the 2 parts:
The first door bugged for me, after putting the code I couldn't interact with it, so I aimed and pressed E and the game crashed.
it starts my SteamVR for some unknown reason lol
I can't run the file, Could someone help
everyone else's file can run. maybe your pc isn't strong enough to run it?
if this was meant to be insulting i was just tryna help :|
It's more then strong enough, I just don't know how to run a rar file
Extract it into a folder and run the .exe in the folder. Alternatively you in theory can load the game while still packed by running .exe anyways. But not recommended.
i think i see what you mean, you're gonna need a application to extract the file if you don't know how. i suggest WinRar or 7-Zip, and if i saw wrong lmk
This man could make this an entire series. Prove me wrong.