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(1 edit) (+1)

i enjoyed the demo a lot, there was 100% that sense of dread, but from a objective standpoint of what makes a horror game ''dreadful'' the demo slightly missed the mark, and im aware that its a demo and will likely fix demo issues later, but i'll judge it based on what i played, not what *could* be later.

general story/writing: loosely based on some star wars lore (so not really ''original''), its hard to miss here, maybe get some better writing done and it will be perfect, but currently a 7/10

voice-overs/sound effects: im mildly annoyed that the protagonist has like a computer generated voice, i cant make sense of why that IS when you clearly have the assets for a lot of star wars sounds/the sounds star wars used, and more importantly, the wheezing/gasping of darth vader, just getting an actual storm trooper ''speaking through helmet'' voice would do wonders for the intro screen, especially when you have to re-watch it every time you start up a new game, currently a 6/10

general gameplay: ok so it is INCREDIBLY easy to cheese the game as is, like zero challenge whatsoever, once you get to the very long corridor with the 1 singular red-lit door at the end, you can basically camp it out with no fear of dying, the will at MOST come 2 ouf of that door, but most of the time only 1, and the other spawn point is super far away, so you wont really ever be ganged up on, no sense of dread (other than having no HP/COOLDOWN bar, more on that in a bit), i cheesed normal easily once i figured out this strat, and i dont know if Nightmare mode is bugged, but it only seems like the spawn rate of monsters has been slightly buffed, which as i said before with the cheese spot ''the will at MOST come 2 ouf of that door, but most of the time only 1'' means nightmare mode is just the same cheese strat as normal mode, zero challenge whatsoever, 4/10

as it stands right now, i dont think id give it more than a 6 or 7 out of 10, not that its a bad game and again, its a DEMO, but im judging based on what i played.

things to fix/add

HP bar for health

COOLDOWN bar so you can see when weapon needs to reload + a way to manually reload

nightmare mode should have either a) increased spawn rates b) stronger enemies/new enemy variations c) faster enemies or a moderate mixture of both

nightmare mode should also include darth vader as a final boss, he would be very good here because canonically, he is slow and takes big swings, so you have to time shooting and dodging/running past, this would immensely boost the playability of nightmare mode

better voice for protagonist

more spawn points for enemies (both in normal and nightmare)

fix some of the writing mistakes

bigger area for nightmare mode

skip function for the intro when you have already seen it once

different weapons for the protagonist to use that follows lore (grenades for examples)

different enemy types

other: maybe co-op but not a pressing issue

if all of that is implemented in some way, shape or form (both slightly and heavily) i think we are looking at a 10/10 games

(note, the blaster rifle not hitting where its meant to is a genius ploy by the creator, truly canon to star wars lmaoooo)


(1 edit)

Maybe in a finale product. Thanks!


The game was quite enjoyable, although it had its flaws. The blaster projectiles are landing at the wrong place which renders the crosshair kinda useless. On top of this there were a few glitches such as enemies getting stuck in doors, or not taking any damage. 

Other than that everything else looked decent. I personally loved the gritty atmosphere and the soundtrack. 

And I saw that this was a DEMO. Will there be an extended version of it? Because I'd love to see it. It would be great to see larger areas and have Zombie Vader as a boss.


i cant seem to get mine to start tried reinstalling and everything


please help lol


same with me it’s saying unknown error code and some other stuff, what problem are you experiencing?

It depends 1) maybe your video card 2) did u download the game by link in the read me file?

This was an extremely impressive experience, one thing I did notice was the camera wanting to insert itself into the back of the character's head, as well as blaster bolts not appearing where they should be (Shooting off to the right side unless very close to targets)

Other than that, I'm looking forward to seeing this improve!

well yeah, have you ever seen stormtroppers shooting?


This was actually very cool and interesting,  the background sounds, the blaster noise, the graphics (even tho it ran at 27-30fps for me).  However, I loved it still nonetheless. Keep up the great work Stefano.


thanks Bro!!

Very interesting and cool ambiance , thank you for making his game!

Thank you for playing

hi Stefano your game looks really interesting but I’m experiencing an error code and I can’t extract it and it’s saying the code is unknown? Do you know of any possible solutions, thank you.

did u use the link in read file to download the game? 


That was amazing i love the slight inaccuracy of the weapon really adds to the realism 


(2 edits) (+2)

this is a fantastic project! i have a few suggestions for quick improvements, i hope you will consider

(1) add a "skip" button to the intro cinematic. many players may prefer to skip the cinematic, especially those who are replaying

(2) add a heat meter to your weapon so players can manage their firepower better. AND adding manual cooldown would be very good, so players can cooldown whenever they like

(3) is the game intended to be in English? i see you are creating a beautiful atmosphere, but your writing has some simple errors that takes away from the experience. i would be happy to edit your dialogue for free. i love making games and writing especially

(4) recording a real voice would also help alot. even amateur voice actors sound better than robot text-to-speech

keep up the great work! i hope you'll keep growing this project!


Thanks for your feed. Those things Will be applied to a next update! But for the Moment no plans to do that

you're doing great. all you gotta do is keep it up :)

Stefano Cagnani = Quality games. I really enjoy and love your games.

I did a video on my channel (Spanish). Hope you like it!

Thanks bro!

This is really cool! I loved the way everything looked and the cutscenes were badass! I wish there was a boss fight at the end but it was still a great experience. Thanks for the fun, my friend!


Thanks to you!

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