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Best Star Wars Horror Game EVER!! I already got the 2nd one and will be playing that tomorrow! The ending was so AWESOME!!


this was a great one to play! No commentary Video Here! 


How can I get this game to work after downloading? I get an error message on both this one and the sequel. Help please, I'm really looking forward to playing this!


can u send the file over?

Love your GAME! I just showcased in my 25 Short Horror Games Season 6! Keep up the AWESOME & Spooky Work! | Game 17


Very cool idea and great game, enjoyed it a lot! The problems I ran into were the camera was a little jank and the hit boxes were a little wired but other than amazing game.


Amazing game! I had a lot of fun playing it. The controls were a bit tricky at first though but amazing visually!

Awesome game! It was so short but amazing. Great work and cool idea! Check out my video here:


Hi everybody,
I played both parts of the game and it was a enjoyable experience. I would encourage anybody who is interested to try it out! If you are bored and don't wanna play you can always watch it, I got you :)


Watched a video on this game, wanted to leave my two cents as a viewer as I think this game has a lot of potential. First of all, I'm fairly certain the droid guiding you has an ai voice, a little jarring, but I think it should be changed if possible. Secondly, I think this game would benefit from being first person for immersion honestly, and the initial cutscene that introduces the zombies would be better if you had more control when meeting them and were able to see them rise up for yourself. The droid being worried about itself dying doesn't really hold any weight as we have no time to really bond with it and it doesn't really make sense for a droid to say. If you wanted to kill it off, it would be better if it was as you progressed and it slowly warned you that it was shutting down until you were alone. In the Star Destroyer portion, you would be better off utilising dimmer lighting and less cutscenes and making the zombies less "COD like". Just having them walk at you makes them not scary. If you were attempting to find ship logs, or some other objective without knowing where they were or when they were coming, it would be a lot more threatening because you would be constantly on edge until you first see them, then, you can begin to have them come for you, attracted by the gunfire. Helplessly trying to hold off Vader at the end would be pretty cool.

As for nitpicky stuff, I think the blasters should have the names of their actual models, rather than standard "Assault Rifle" classifications. The fact you land in a tie fighter with a series security droid doesn't seem right personally, so perhaps being a lone survivor of a squad piloting a Lambda Class Shuttle would be more appropriate. The part where your droid tunes into a "Radio broadcast" is quite funny as it is clearly not set in universe. Also, the reloading of the blasters seems inaccurate. I believe it should be based on heat rather than ammo for both portions, not just in the Star Destroyer. I know this was only done to make the survival easier though. The random cutscenes showing zombies are very jarring as they last too long and don't really accomplish anything. Honestly, cutscenes are too frequent in general.  Also, during gameplay the blaster bolts don't seem to come from the actual? 

I apologise for writing so much, I know you'd have a lot to read already and I know my opinion is less valuable as I haven't played, but my laptop isn't built for stuff like this. Regardless I hope my feedback is useful.


STAR WARS! ZOMBIES! Best of both worlds! 


Ill state that i understand this is probably a one man project. The game is good and has potential, I like the COD zombies vibe im getting from it. The rifle feels alright, though figuring out how to shoot at first was a bit frustrating especially since there is no pause menu. It feels a little awkward having to hold down left click to shoot instead of just clicking once. I wish the aiming was a little more accurate, the bullet spread is just a bit too much, and the range is not that good, so there are times where I just waste my "ammunition." The overheat mechanic is good but I just wish there was a way to manually reset the gun instead of having to empty it. But overall this has a lot of potential


i can not extract this game to run i


You need to use WinRAR

(2 edits) (+1)

I figured out the shooting, but it's too easy to get stun-locked from the enemies, once I'm hit I can't move anymore because the "hits" come faster than my character can respond to moving


I'll be honest. I feel like I completely cheesed this. I see the potential and the graphics looked good. If there is an update I will check back. I see in the reviews there is a new one so maybe I'll look for that. Also I could not get nightmare mode to work for me. 


NGL I enjoy this game alot from time to time but it not having a pause menu to adjust resolution and other settings can be kind of a bummer for me. I'm currently playing this on my steam deck here and there and it actually runs pretty poorly. It never reaches over like 25 fps and it dips almost into the single digits sometimes. I'd love it if this game got optimized to play abit better and got a pause menu to adjust settings for better performance on my end. I really do like this game and the POC is there.


(1 edit) (+1)

What are the commands and shortcuts? I don't even know if there is an options menu. I don't even know if there is a way to exit the game without manually closing the window. The camera doesn't reposition itself when you lean against walls, preventing you from seeing anything in front of you.

If you're playing this game for the first time, you have to keep pressing the mouse right button in order to shoot (instead of clicking for each shoot).

Nice idea, but it requires small adjustments on game mechanics. Such like adding dodge option and a movement to get rid of when grabbed by zombies.


great atmosphere but that's the only good thing I have to say about this.  The most frustrating part was how the gun only fires when it feels like it.  the fire rate has no pattern at all.  I'm clicking constantly in hoping that a blaster bolt will fire.  also I am able to beat the game every time by simply backing all the way up and letting the zombies glitch themselves into a pixelated heap. one or two might be able to get through but somehow the terrible gun play somehow allows me to take them down if Im lucky enough that it will actually fire something. 


Great game really enjoyed it definitely looking forward to play more of your games


So it's one of the best games in here mate, good job



Can't even extract the game let alone play it

The Code is as follows:

Error 0x8096002A: No error description available


I cant play the game! Whenever i try to extract it or run it tmy pc says "error 0X809...

no error discription avail"


As a POC (Proof of Concept) this is... fine.

As a demo, or even a short game; it's very lackluster. Unskippable cutscenes sandwiched between five minutes of easily exploitable boring cod zombie gameplay. The fact that I found out how to shoot by complete accident is a bit indicative of the dev's inexperience in actually programming an fps horror game. but since this is an old game, i'll be lenient and chalk it up to a dev expanding into a genre they're not familiar with.

The atmosphere is impeccable. And that being my biggest, and only praise, is a bit disappointing.

And then there's the ending where Vader is infected. Yeah, no. Even as a little fan-made non-canon thing, it kinda ticked me off. Mostly because there's no reason other than "I SAW STAR WARS AND I CLAPPED". It feels like it's for people who don't actually care about things making sense, and just want things they recognize. Kinda like Disney...

I'm hoping The Outpost will be better.


Love it! Best ending ever. I'll have the video for the second game posted tomorrow!


I can't shoot, mouse left click doesn't work (sounds like is no ammo) and try pressing all the buttons on the keyboard or mouse and nothing work

also no menu or pause... The idea is great but... 


had to waer my brown pants darth vader was noooo joke 

Had some weird clipping with the doors, couldnt shoot through the opened parts when they were doing the closing animation, other than that it was great!

have a couldnt start error. looked for fix cant find 1 here wouldnt recommend until its answered just to be safe


This was fantastic! I wish there were more Star Wars horror games.


how did you start the game

I just get a error when I try to start i

(1 edit)

Same. Windows Defender keeps popping up and gives an error window when I click "run anyway"

Sorry didn't see the notification for this. Honestly everything worked fine for me maybe your firewalls stopped it?


Finally a Starwars Horror Game! German Gameplay here! ↓


The game won't run for me. Microsoft Defender keeps popping up and I keep clicking "run anyway" and an error window pops up and closes the app. What should I do?


I have the same problem

(1 edit)

I have the same problem too

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